Haircut (%) for Mutual Funds, Equities, Gold Bonds, Securities
What is Haircut in stock market? Haircut is the amount of margin money deducted while pledging the Equites/ Mutual Funds / Bonds for trading. A haircut value of 13% means that, if a share worth of Rs 100 is pledged for trading, then Rs. 13 will be deducted and Rs. 87 will be given as collateral margin for trading. It is based on previous closing price. This program is used to identify the real worth or money value of an equity / share / sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB) at the selected date. This program fetches the historical Haircut data (%) and Price of Equities listed in NSE, India at the specified date. Enter the Date (in the format: dd-mm-yyyy) to get Haircut data for equities listed in NSE. It lists the haircut value (%) and the respective price of the equity at the given date. Enter the symbol for equity listed in NSE. For example, Infosys should be entered as INFY. Note: If the date falls on holiday, no ...