
Video tutorial - How to get live option chain data for NIFTY and Bank NIFTY in Excel sheet?

Video tutorial on how to get live option chain data for NIFTY and Bank NIFTY in Excel sheet - VBA code   Getting Live Option Chain Data (CE & PE) in Excel sheet is handy and useful to predict the market trend for option traders.   Price and open interest (OI) data in Excel sheet can be useful to analyze the directions of NIFTY & Bank NIFTY.   Following Excel gives the Excel VBA code to get live option chain data few Strike Prices above & below Underlying Price in the Excel sheet.   This video tutorial explains the Excel VBA code to get NIFTY and Bank NIFTY option chain data in Excel.   Coded Excel sheet can be downloaded (See the Link below).   Designed by, Dr. M Kanagasabapathy Associate Professor of Chemistry Coordinator, Incubation Centre Rajapalayam Rajus College Madurai Kamaraj University Rajapalayam 626117 (TN)   About Dr. M Kanagasabapathy     Download the Excel file This Excel sheet can be downloaded

Get the live price of NIFTY and Bank NIFTY stocks in Excel sheet

Fetch the last traded price (LTP) as well as Price Change (%) for NIFTY 50 (50 stocks) and Bank NIFTY (12 banking stocks) in Excel sheet.   With this the fetched data can be analyzed to predict the price movements of both NIFTY 50 as well Bank NIFTY in Excel.   With the Refresh Button the price data can be updated.   Since the Excel files are VBA Macro based, enable the contents, and allow to fetch the data. ERRORS These works are in beta stage, so there are many unexpected errors. Due to the lag to fetch the data from the NSE server, Run-Time Error can occurs. See the screenshot. Save and close the Excel. Open after some time and Refresh. If it takes long time to fetch the data, close. Open after some time and Refresh. DISCLAIMER These Excel files are designed for purely educational purposes only and strictly not for commercial purposes. Either Dr. M Kanagasabapathy (owner) or the webs

Capacitors: Calculations & Simulations on Charging, Discharging Time & Voltage

          Assume charging a completely discharged capacitor, under resistance, R with an applied potential, E having the capacitance, C. Potential across the capacitor is E c . At time, t = 0s or t o :   E C < E; E C = 0 V. If it is fully charged then E C = E and t = t c . ‘E’ is the maximum potential attained by the capacitor. Time to reach maximum potential is: (t c – t o ).   At any given time, ‘t’ on charging in between t o and t c the potential of the capacitor, E C is related to the maximum potential, E by the relation, where ‘t’ is the elapsed time during charging ‘R’ is the resistance in Ω ‘C’ is the capacitance in F.   The product of R and C is called the time constant and is represented as, τ. So, τ = R × C.   Unit for τ τ = R × C = Ω × {F} = Ω × {C × V –1 } C = Charge in Coulombs = A × s = Ω × {A × s × V –1 } = = Ω × {V × Ω –1 × s × V –1 } = s. At one time constant, capacitor is 63.2% charged. I

Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) & Quadratic equation

Full width at half maximum (FWHM) for a curve is used in many scientific experimental data analyses. For instance, in X–ray diffraction analysis of crystal data, it is used to find the grain size from the curve. FWHM is the width of the curve or simply the difference in the corresponding two ‘x’ data values at y max /2. y max refers the highest value of ‘y’ or ‘y’ value for the maximum peak height.   Example Set of ‘x’ and ‘y’ data and the corresponding curve is given below: (View this Page for back reference.)     x      y 0.0    0.000 0.1    0.146 0.2    0.284 0.3    0.414 0.4    0.536 0.5    0.650 0.6    0.756 0.7    0.854 0.8    0.944 0.9    1.026 1.0    1.100 1.1    1.166 1.2    1.224 1.3    1.274 1.4    1.316 1.5    1.350 1.6    1.376 1.7    1.394 1.8    1.404 1.9    1.406 2.0    1.400 2.1    1.386 2.2    1.364 2.3    1.334 2.4    1.296 2.5    1.250 2.6    1.196 2.7    1.134 2.8    1.064 2.9

Specific Capacitance of a Supercapacitor from Cyclic Voltammetry data

  Formula   C s - Specific capacitance (F/g) = to be calculated. A - Area under the I vs. E curve (AV) = 0.0154 m - Mass of the electrode material (g) = 20 mg = 0.02 g ν - Scan rate (V/s) = 10 mV/s = 0.01 V/s dV - Potential window (difference in potential) = 0.3 (= 0.0 V (-0.3 V))   Area (A) under the curve can be calculated using Origin program , whereas 'dV' is the difference in the potential. Refer the video tutorial for the calculations of 'A' and 'dV'.   By, Dr. M Kanagasabapathy Associate Professor Department of Chemistry Rajapalayam Rajus College Madurai Kamaraj University Rajapalayam 626117 (TN)

Logical Thinking Puzzles

Blue Fishes There are 200 fishes in a pond. 99% fishes are blue. How many blue fishes should be removed to make the percentage of blue fishes in to 98%? Hint: 2 is not the answer. Answer First, why '2' is not the right answer? If you think 198 is the initial number of blue fishes and if 2 blue fishes are removed, then there will be 196 blue fishes and hence in terms of percentage it is 98. But its wrong, since the total fishes count also decreased to 198, if you just remove 2 blue fishes alone. So the percentage of blue fishes are (196/198) × 100 = 98.99% Its not 98% its almost 99%. In simple, 198 blue fishes and 2 other colored fishes are there initially. And if you remove 100 blue fishes, then 98 blue fishes with 2 other colored fishes. So, the percentage of blue fishes becomes 98. Answer: 100 blue fishes should be removed. Show the Answer Tennis Match Antony and Benjamin played tennis against each other. Its a bet game and

Arduino – LCD I2C - Tinkercad Simulation

Arduino – LCD I2C 16x2 display - Tinkercad Simulation LCD displays with I2C LCD adapter are 16×2 and 20×4 character LCD displays. This I2C LCD display contains 4 pins: Ground, VCC, SDA, and SCL. Arduino Code at Tinkercad: Circuit First, check the address of the I2C LCD with the following code: #include <Wire.h> void setup() {   Serial.begin(9600);   Serial.println("\nI2C Scanner");   Serial.println("Scanning...");   byte device_count = 0;   Wire.begin();   for (byte address = 1;         address < 127; address++ ) {     Wire.beginTransmission(address);     if (Wire.endTransmission() == 0) {      // Serial.print ("Found address: ");       Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");       Serial.print(address, HEX);       Serial.println("  !");       device_count++;       delay(1);     }   }   Serial.println ("Done.");   Serial.print ("Found ");   Serial.print (

Live Stock Option Chain Data in Excel Sheet

Simplified Excel sheet for Stock Option traders to fetch and analyze NSE Stock Option Chain Data for both Calls and Puts. This Excel sheet fetches the live NSE Stock Option Chain data such as OI and Price at different strike prices specifically few Strike Price ranges near to ATM in Excel sheet. This Excel sheet is coded in VBA and can fetch the following live data at a given Strike Price, for both Calls (CE) and Puts (PE) and at different Expiry Dates. ☺ Open Interest (OI) ☺ Change in Open Interest (in %) ☺ Last Traded Price ☺ Change in Last Traded Price (%) It fetches few selective Strike Price at Out of Money (OTM) near to ATM (At the Money) and not fetches deep far Out of Money Strike Prices So, this Excel sheet gives a simplified view on OI and Price changes near to ATM. How to use? Select the Stock Symbol. Then Select the Expiry Date and Click Fetch.